What is Meditation? Video Meditation

Our purpose…our idea…our mission…is to give the complete essence of yoga and the complete process of yoga to all… because before going to do anything…before going to practice anything.. you must know what you are going to do…practicing postures is not the only yoga.. we have the 7th limb in the science of yoga…Dhyana.. means meditation…so, meditation is the most important thing…in my opinion meditation is the heart of yoga…  

Meditation is the heart in the science of …so, every yoga practitioner must practice meditation to make their yoga practice fulfill.. to make their yoga practice complete… meditation in fact… practicing all these postures.. the purpose of practicing postures is to attain stability in the postures… for meditation we have to sit for long time… so, to get that stability to sit in one posture quite long time all the postures practice will help… that is the purpose of practicing postures…that is the only purpose of postures… We are practicing postures to get ‘asana siddhi’… it is called as asana siddhi.. means sitting in one posture or staying in one posture for quite long time…so, to attain asana siddhi…we are practicing postures.. and if we attain asana siddhi… if we can sit quite long in any posture… then it will help you…it helps you to lead you into meditation.. so, the purpose of postures is meditation…so, meditation is the most important thing so, everyone must practice it. Even though we have so many techniques of meditations.. the simplest and the easiest and the scientific technique is just sit comfortable and observe the normal breath that is the best technique… easiest technique.. so, sit comfortable and observe the breath.. for meditation we have no time limitations, you can practice it at any time in your  day.. In 24hours you can practice at any time…so, for meditation no time.. practice even if you are in office… even you are in office..if you have free time or if you are travelling in bus…if you r free…if you have seat in the bus.. just close your  eyes and observe the breath…any time and any place…and any moment is okay for meditation…

I am requesting you all watch carefully and practice carefully and read the booklet carefully before going to practice yoga which we provide along with the set of these cds.. read that booklet and take the precautions… I am emphasizing one more time yoga is not an ordinary exercise … yoga is an ancient art… an ancient spiritual art founded by maharshi Patanjali… approximately 400 BC… it gives you health…happiness and spiritual wisdom…it’s just not only for your  body.. it takes care of your  body…mind and soul… we are 3 things…we are just not only the bod we are just not only the mind,… we are just not only the soul even… we are 3 things…  we are body-mind and soul… so, yoga is an unique thing which can take care of all these 3 parts of you . all the 3 things body, mind and soul… so, practice it…focus on it.. always focus your  mind on what you r doing…what you r practicing… don’t let your  mind go here and there … focus on the posture and on your  breath… if you are suffering from any illness.. you have to take the suggestion of your  physician/doctor before going to practice yoga…


This Video is up to Home Yoga (https://yogatainha.com.vn/)


Namaste ! my dear friends…still now we practiced yoga…now we will know more about meditation…because meditation is the most…most…most…important thing in the science of yoga…in the science ypga there are 8 parts…8 limbs…yama…niyama…asana…pranayama…pratyahara… dhyana…dharana... samadhi…

So, in this all 8 limbs…doing postures…is the first inportant thing and practicing breathing excercises is the 2nd important thing…and if you go more deeper and more advance…meditation is the ultimate and very important thing in the science of yoga…so, according to the science of yoga…the first thing we need for meditation is posture…”sthiram sukhamasnam” … the posture should be very comfortable… easy and relaxed…no need to erect your spine…no need to stretch ut joints just let all the joints and muscles be relaxed…sit comfortable…that is asana… the first is posture… sit comfortable and clasp your hands…finger into fingers…usually people think that this mudra…this posture for meditation..actually this posture is for chanting mantras… and breathing excercises…whenever we do meditation…we  must join our hands…finger into fingers…why, because… during meditation we will recieve bio-cosmic energy… that energy has to circulate with in the body…so, you should not keep any part of your body open…we should close the circute… so, you must join your hands…interlock your fingers…and gently close your eyes…slowly..pleasantly close your eyes…sit comfortable…and relaxed…pleasantly close your eyes…now the 2nd thing is…pranayama…here in meditation there is no excercise with the breath…this is sukhamaya pranayam…means..comfortable..normal..breathing exercise…no need to hold your breath…n0 need to take long or deep breath…just let the breath be as usual…sukhamaya means comfortable…and easy…pranayama means…regulating the breath…or controlling the breath…here there is nothing to control…just the flow of the breath as usual…normal and natural…you just pay your attention on the breath…that means…inhale normal…and exhale normal…let your whole attention become one with the breath…let your mind follow your breath in and out…in the nostrils…no more thoughts…forget your surroundings…forget the world around you…be calm…be still…and become aware of your natural breath…just you become a witness…just you watch how your breath is moving in and out through your nostrils in the nose…that is the 2nd thing pranayama..being with the natural breath is the 2nd thing…then, when we are continuously with the breath…then, slowly you will forget every thing…your body and mind will be relaxed completely … and all the thoughts, the routine wanderings of your mind slowly settle down…incase, if your mind wanders… again become aware and bring your attention back to the breath…again start observing the breath…here the only exercise is…whenever your mind goes here and there…become aware and bring it back to the breath…again observe the breath…this is the only thing we have to do in meditation…then slowly your mind stands on your breath…slowly the oxyzen requirement, the energy requirement will be reduced…because we sat calm and still…so, the breath will become slower…slower and slower…simultaneously the mind…the routine wanderings of the mind…will be settled down…when the whole mind becomes empty…when the mind becomes calm and still…it’s called as thought free stage…it’s called as the meditative state…in this state we will recieve cosmic energy…when the mind is empty…we can access the out side bio-cosmic energy…conservation of this cosmic energy is called as pratyahara…that is the 3rd thing in the science of yoga…when we observe the breath slowly the mind becomes empty…when the mind becomes empty…we will receive abundant cosmic energy…

let the body be still…mind be calm…and calmly observe your breath…follow your breath….until the mind becomes empty…until the mind becomes still…please do not open your eyes…if you open your eyes…ur meditation will be lost…you have to start again from the beginning…so, please do not open your eyes…relax your body and mind…and observe the breath…easy..soft…natural…normal and tender going breath…turn your whole attention in side…by means of your breath…breath is the key in meditation…breath is the gate way to enter into meditation…no more family…no more business…no more thoughts and no more sounds…calmly observe the breath…make the mind empty…access the cosmic energy…cosmic energy is the source of being kind…it is the source for life…it is every where in this Universe…but to access it our mind must be empty…our mind must be still…all our health problems due to lack of sufficient energy…we can access abundant enegry during meditation…so, the energy flows into all the nadis…all the energy tubes….then all the blocks will be cleared slowly….there are 72,000 nadis…energy tubes…in the energy body…this is called as the energy system….if there is full of energy in the enrgy system…then our physical body will be more healthy…and more active…if there is no sufficient energy…if there is no sufficient flow to any particular part in the body…thenwe will face a sickness in that particular part…during meditation…we will receive abundant energy…so the energy flows into all the tubes…into all the 72,000 tubes…then slowly all the blocks will be cleared…whenever the block clear…the physical health problem in the body will be vanished…we can heal all our physical health problem with meditation…with the flow of energy in meditation…pratyahara means…prati means opposit, ahara means food or feed…this energy is a substitution…an opposit side to our routine food…we have eat food everyday and we have to receive cosmic energy every day…physical food is to keep our physical body stronger…and cosmic energy is to keep our energy body stronger…and to keep our physical body healthy and to keep our mind in a joyful state…please do not open your eyes my dear friends… go deeper and deeper…let your whole attention.. go deeper with in…meditation is a journey with in…a journey into inner space…forget the ouetr space…forget the outer world…go deeper and deeper into meditation…to in side…do not open your eyes please…*********************************************************

now we are all going into deep meditation… and we are all receiving abundant cosmic energy… and our whole enrgy system is now filling with cosmic energy…whenever the energy system is full of energy… it taps the untapped psychic energy…kundalini energy or chakra energy at the lower part of the spine…when the psychic energy araises from the lower spine to the skull to the upper spine…all our chakras…all our energy centers..will be activated…in this stage…slowly we will aquaire extra sensuary perceptions…when the energy reaches from the 1st chakra to the 6th chakra…our 3rd eye will be activated ans our whole attention will be constantly focused…at the brow center…between the eye brows…this state is called as dharana…dharana means concentration and dharana means wearing…means aquairing extra sensuary perceprtions…the word dharana means…wearing…like we are wearing clothes…so, dharana means wearing…in a adeep state of meditation.. when the mind is completely concetrated…focused itself between the eye brows…then the 3rd eye will be activated…we can understand deep…we can understand our life deeply… this state is called as dharana…the 1st thing is asana…comfortable posture…the 2nd thing is pranayama…means observing the natural breath…the 3rd thing is…pratyahara means conserving…receiving cosmic energy…the 4th thing is dharana…due to the flow of energy…all our inner organs will be activated…like we have outer organs…mouth, nose, ears and eyes…similarly we have inner organs…or also called as spiritual organs…these spiritual organs are inactive because we are not practicing meditation…because we are not cinserving energy…when we practice meditation we will conserve energy… when we conserve energy…the inner organs will be feeded by this energy…and they will be activated…and they will start working…this state is calles as dharana…

There are no more waverings… in this state of dharana no more waverings…no more sounds…it’s a deep state of silence…it’s a deep state of meditation…and it’s a deep turn into inner space….it’s a deep turn to with in…go deeper and deeper…plase do not open your eyes come what may…in this stage…when the spiritual organs are activated..they will start work…like we are absorbing…like we are watching with our eyes…hearing with our ears…in the same way…when our spiritual organs are activated, we can experience so many things in our inner world with our spiritual organs…means you can see with the 3rd eye…3rd eye is the main spiritual organ to understand our life deeply…to understand our spiritual life deeply…go deeper and deeper…it is the time to realize ourselves…it is the time to attain our inner consciousness…

What a great thing meditation is…meditation is the most urgent need in human life….meditation gives you perfect health…meditation makes your mind peaceful and keeps your mind always in joyful state…

If we go more deeper and deeper into the state of dharana…then slowly we will reach to the next stage…named as dhyana…dhyana means…dhi+yana…dhi means…spiritual intellect…yana means journey…this state…so, dhyna means a life journey with spiritual intellect…this is not physical intellect…it is spiritual intellect…and we have one more meaning to dhyana…dhi means the combination of the subtle bodies…hiegher bodies…yana means..journey… when we are in deep state of meditation…when we crossed the state of dharana..then all the hiegher bodies like astral…causal…and supra causal bodies…will get sufficient energy…So, they can travelall over the universe…they can travel into the time…they can travel into the space.. so, dhyana means…meditation means…a journey with our subtle bodies…with our heigher bodies…they are subtle…but they are heigher…than our physical body…that’s why…during the travel we can see many starnge things…we can witness so many galaxies..so many dimentions…so many alternate realities.. now we are all deeply going into the state of meditation…into the state of dhyana…last 5 minutes…please do not open your eyes…just be a witness… just observe what is going on…doing nothing..watch…witness…experience…

(some disturbances here in the back ground here…please check )

During the state of dhyana…during the state of meditation.. we will aquaire so many spiritual experiences…and so muh of spiritual wisdom…spiritual intellect…then we will start understand that we are just not only this physical body…just not only the mind and emotions… we will start understand ourselves as consciousness…as energy..this is called as spiritual wisdom…or spiritual intellect…when you have spiritual intellect…your life style…your attitude…your understanding about life will be completely changed…you will understand that you are an eternal consciousness…an eternal soul…and  we will understand that all the being kind is energy…all the being kind is consciousness.. and the whole being kind is our cosmic family…our universal family…soiritual wisdom gives you a vast understanding, when you have a vast understanding of your life…then every thing will be changed in your life.. your health will be alright…your wealth will be alright…you will be in a state of happiness…bliss always…and you will become efficient in your day to day activities…when you understand that you are an energy being…all your actions will become more powerful and you can achieve all the goals….the destinations in your life…every health problem…every emotional problem…every failure in lifeis due to lack of sufficient energy with in…in the energy system…meditation gives you abundant energy…so, meditation is the most important thing in the science of yoga…even though if you can practice postures or not…you can practice meditation…it is very easy and simple…close your eyes and follow the breath…when you practice meditation regular, then slowly your spiritual intellect…spiritual wisdom will grow a lot..then you will find out all the answers to your life… like who am I ?…what is the purpose of my life ?…what is the destination of my life ?..so, when you have answers…when you get answers to allthequestions in your life…it is the final stage called as samadhi… samadhi means…a state of no more questions…a state of complete bliss…a state of being one with the whole universe…a state of no ‘I’…you will become the whole universe…you will become one with the whole universe…that is the final stage in meditation…that is samadhi…last 1 minute…be in a deep state of samadhi…do not open your eyes please…

Last 10 seconds…when you got all the answers… then you can follow all yama and niyamas…then you can follow the universal moralities…and self abservances.. that is the out put of meditation…so, asana…pranayama…pratyahara…dharana…dhyana…samadhi…then yama and niyama… you will become a responsible person in the society…5 seconds…4…….3…….2……..1……0…… do not open your eyes please…slowly release your hands…and place your palms on your eyes for few seconds… slowly open your eyes in front of your palms…look intour pakms….let’s give a big hand for meditation…more…more….more….more…more….


Start (VST_03_0)

Thank you… when we clap more… again the blood circulation will become normal in the body…so you will get rid off…you will come out of the numness…all the functionings will become normal…when we are in meditation we will go beyond the consciousness of our body…we will enter into spiritual consciousness…means.. we will forget our physical body..it will become less functioning…the minimum functioning…so,  whenever we come out of meditaion must clap immediately to bring our consciusness back to the physical life…and to make all functionings of the body normal…every one must do…must practice meditation…now a days people are thinking yoga means doing postures… doing postures is kinder garden in the whole education system…doing postures is not yoga…doing postures is just the beginning of yoga…so, every one must practice meditation along with the practice of postures…then the yoga will be completed…if not just whole time just we will be in the kinder garden only…we have to pass from asana the first to pranayama and pratyahara…dharana…dhyana…and samadhi…we have to practice all every day…posture…breathing exercises and meditation…the remaining things will happen during your practice…if you practice everyday yoga and meditation…then slowly you will understand what you are and what your life is… whenever you understand yourself…you will be able to control your life…you will be able to control your mind…then you can follow all the universal moralities like yama…and all the personal abservances…means self diciplane…so self diciplane and universal moralities are the out put of meditation…so…if you are able to follow these all things in the beginning..in fact there is no need of yoga nad meditation…because your life is not in your hands…not in your control…so you have to practice yoga…you have to practice meditation to get control on your life…I am requesting all please practice yoga and meditation everyday for meditation no conditions any time…any place…any moment..any situation is okay…if you practice postures..you have to take precautions…but to practice meditation..no precations…just make the light dim…close your eyes…observe the breath…I hope all will practice meditation and yoga everyday…to know the meaning of life…thank you…thank you…thank you