What is Dynamic Yoga? Video Yoga Dynamic

Dynamic yoga …in this word we have the word dynamic… dynamic means.. Challengeous, powerful.. this yoga is also like challenges and powerful… we can say it is the next level of power yoga… this is for all challenged people who want good cardio work out…and who are dynamic in their lives…even though they are beginners…if they r dynamic and active.. they can practice this yoga.. it gives you more fun and more work out and it strengthens all the major muscles.. it helps you to reduce the weight very faster…


This Video is up to Home Yoga (https://yogatainha.com.vn/)


(voice broken in the beginning..please check..and add)

Inhale slowly bring your arms up..exhale bring to heart center… close your eyes…chin down…observe the normal breath…relaxe your body and mind…**************************** slowly open your eyes…chin up…namaste 1…welcome to dynamic yoga…dynamic yoga is a powerful yoga to strengthen your body…and for cardio work out…inhale bring your arms up…exhale slowly bring your arms down…fold your fingers and rotate your arms…1…2….3….4….5…6….7…8…..9…10…now reverse…10…9…8…..7..6…..5….4…3….2….1..now place your hands on your waist…inhale step backy our right foot and raise your right leg up…exhale back…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, one more.. inhale…exhale, now bring your arms up…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, two more…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, last one… inhale…hold.. join your hands…beginners can take support…hold 6…..5….4…..3…..2…..1…exhale…shake your legs…again place your hands on your waist…step back your left foot…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, one more…inhale…exhale, bring your arms up…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale ,  inhale…exhale, two more…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale… last…inhale hold…beginners take support… stay here…6….5….4…..3….2….1…exhale…shake your legs…feet a party about 2 feet…take your arms back…interlock your fingers…inhale push your hip forward…stretch your arms down…arch back…look back…beginners just look up…exhale bend forward…swing your spine 2 times…1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…two more…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…exhale 1…2…inhale back…hold…open shoulders…push your hip forward..stretch your arms down…multi look back…5….4….3….2….1…exhale bend forward…swing yours pine up and down…6….5…..4….3…..2….1…inhale up…exhale release your hands…inhale bring your arms up shoulder level.. exhale now place your right hand on your belly…bend right give strokes two times…1….2…inhale center…exhale….left…1….2…inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…,inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, two more…inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…, inhale…exhale 1…2…last…inhale…exhale 1…2…open shoulders…look straight…multi join your both hands…interlock your fingers…open shoulders..if you can look up…6….5….4….3…..2….1…inhale center…exhale…1….2…open shoulders…look straight…multi..interlock your fingers…look up…6….5…..4…..3…..2…..1…inhale center…exhale bring you rarms down shoulder level….twist your spine right…keep your right elbow straight…inhale center…exhale…inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, fast inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, 2 more…inhale…exhale…. inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, inhale…exhale…, last…inhale…exhale…twist yours pine…right elbow straight… beginners look back…multi look right or corner of the room…6….5…..4….3….2….1…inhale center…exhale left…6….5….4….3…..2…..1….inhale center…exhale bring your arms forward…interlock your fingers…openyourpalms out…feet some more wide about 3 feet…toes facing forward…inhale …exhale now slowly bend your right knee…beginners can take support…multi stretch your arms forward…look forward…inhale center…exhale left…inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,fast…inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale…,inhale…exhale… last inhale…exhale…right stretch your arms forward…toes facing forward…beginners take support..and look forward…6….5….4….3…..2…..1…inhale center…exhale left…6…..5….4…..3….2…..1…inhale center…exhale now slowly turn your toes out…hip down…align your thighs parellel to the floor…calf 90 degrees…and now slowly stretch your arms forward…bend forward…look forward…beginners drop your elbows o yourknees…and look down…if you can look forward…6…stretch your arms…5….4…..3…..2…..1…inhale now slowly up…exhale jump center…shake your legs…relax your thighs….come forward all of you please…come front of your mat…feet together..inhale bring your arms up…join your hands…exhale bring your hands to heart center…close your eyes…enjoy the rhythm of your breath…until it becomes normal…slowly open your eyes…now 6 rounds dynamic salutations with jump…inhale arch back…push your hip forward…open shoulders…look up…exhale bend forward…catch your ankle..touch your forehead on the knee or sim bone…inhale bend your knees…hip down…stretch your arms shoulder level…drop the hands exhale jump back…plank..multi chaturanga…beginners drop your knees..chest and chin on the floor…inhale upward…stretchyourtoes back…open shoulders…look up…exhale downward…inhale jump between the hands…stretch your arms…bend your knees..open shoulders look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…remebers the steps…inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…look forward…exhale jump back plank…chaturanga…inhale upward…exhale down ward…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…,inhale arch back…exhale namaste…remebers the steps…

inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…look forward…exhale jump back plank…chaturanga…inhale upward…exhale down ward…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…

inhale arch back…exhale namaste…remebers the steps…inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…look forward…exhale jump back plank…chaturanga…inhale upward…exhale down ward…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…two more come on fast..

inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…look forward…exhale jump back plank…chaturanga…inhale upward…exhale down ward…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…one more…

inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…..exhale jump back….chaturanga…inhale upward…exhale down ward…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste… last one…

inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale hip down…..exhale jump back….chaturanga…inhale up…exhale down…inhale jump between the hands…hip down look forward…exhale front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…

close your eyes… enjoy the rhythm of your breath…

slowly open your eyes…now the dynamic yoga flow…inhale arch back…push your hip more forward…open shoulders…look up…hold…5….4….3….2….1..now slowly bend your knees…hip down…beginners look forward…multi can look up…chair pose..hold 5….4…..3….2….1…inhale bring your arms down shoulder level…exhale now slowly drop your buttocks…roll back up…stretch your legs up…shoulder stand…knees straight…toes out…6….5…..4…..3….2…..1…inhale..roll up come to previous position…exhale jump back…plank…hip center…look forward…here right leg up and down a little for 10 times…ready…1….2…..3….right leg…4….5….6…..7….8….9…10…hold…beginners drop your left knee…and look forward…stay here…6….5….4….3..look forward….2…..1…exhale drop your right leg…same with your left leg…1…2….3….4….5….6….7….8…9….10…hold…look forward…beginners drop your right knee…6….5….4…..3…..2….1…exhale drop your left foot…drop your knees..chest and chin on the floor…here…listen…inhale fold your knees…exhale push your body back…child pose…relax for fews seconds…inhale push your hip forward…upward facing dog…Elbows straight…open shoukders,..look up…multi keep your right hand center…stretch your left arm forward…hold….6….5….4…3….2….1…exhale drop your left hand…keep your toes…push your hip up…downward…heels down…head down…hold.. 6…5….4….3…..2….1…here inhale…bring your right foot between the hands…now drop your left heel…exhale raise your rams shoulder level…raise your body up…slant…here inhale slowly keep your knee staright….do not change the angle of your body…body should be 60 degrees slant…exhale bend your knee…look diagnal…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, two more  inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, one more inhale…exhale, come on last…inhale…exhale…body slant 60 degrees…multi bring your arms up join your hands…beginners just stay like this…if you want support…drop your hands on the knee…if you can stretch your arms…6…5…..4….3….2……1…inhale knee staraight…exhale turn left and slowly bend forward…catch your ankles…stretch your spine down…drop your crown of the head on the floor..hold 6….5….4….3…..2…..1…inhale up…now turn your left toes out…turn your body left…exhale bend your knee…hip down…look diagnal…inhale knee straight….exhale knee bend…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, 2 more inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, one more inhale…exhale, last inhale…exhale down…beginners just hold…multi bring your arms up towards the head…keep your head between the arms…beginnera if cannot drop your hands on the knee…6….5……4….3…..2….1…inhale drop the hands….exhale take your left leg back…downward…heels down…head down…hold ..6…5….4…..3….2…..1…here again inhale bring your right foot between the hands…multi drop your left heel…bring your arms up…join your hands…open shoulders…look up…great warrior…beginners can drop your knee…hold…6….5….4….3…..2….1….inhale knee staright…bring your arms down shoulder level…now slowly turn your body left…toes facing forward…take your arms back…interlock your fingers…exhale bend forward..drop your crown of the head on the floor…hold….6…..5……4…..3….2….1….inhale slowly up…bring your arms up shoulder level…now turn your left toes out…bend your left knee…turn your body left…hip down…bring your arms up…join your hands…open shoulders…great warrior…beginners drop your knee…6….5….4….3….2….1…inhale drop the hands…heel up…look forward…exhale take your left leg back.. downward…6….5….4….3….2….1…bend your knees…inhale jump between the hands…exhale front bend… catch your ankle…touch your forehead on the knee or sim bone…multi catch your wrists behind your ankles…6….5….4…..3…..2…..1…inhale arch back…push your hip more forward…open shoulders…5….4…..3….2…..1…again bend your knees chair pose…open shoulders..look up…beginners can look forward…6….5….4….3…..2…..1….inhale again bring arms down to shoulder level…exhale roll back…go to plaw pose…stretch your arms back…drop your feet behind your head…beginners can keep support your hands on the waist…6….5…..4…..3……2…..1….inhale give a roll up…come to previous position…exhale jump back…plank…here hand center…and turn your whole body left…raise your left arm…beginners can drop your right knee…hold…6…..5…..4…keep smile….3…..2…..1….exhale drop the hands…now place your left hand center…inhale drop your heels…turn your whole body right…raise your right arm up… look up…beginners drop your left knee…6….5…..4……3…..2…..1….exhale drop the hands…Elbows straight..open shoulders…look forward…here slowly bend your elbows…balance your whole body wait on your hands and toes…chaturanga…beginners can drop your knees…chest up…6…..5…..4….3…..2…..1….inhale upward…stretch urtoes back…open shoulders…here place your left hand center…and raise your right arm…multi if you can up or forward….6…5…4…..3….2….1… exhale drop your right hand…foldyourboth knees…exhale hip back…child pose…relax for 10 seconds…

inhale slowly push your hip forward…cat pose…knees apart..open shoulder…look forward…beginners just stay in cat pose…multi…please go to downward…all of you inhale and raise your right leg up as much as you can…exhale…fold your right knee…touch your right knee on the left elbow…and right elbow…inhale uo…exhale left…right..inhale up…exhale left…look forward..right..inhale up…exhale left…right…inhale up, exhale left…right…inhale up, exhale left…right…inhale up, exhale left…right…inhale up, one more..exhale left…right…inhale up…last exhale left…right…inhale up…knee straight…open shoulders…head down…multi..if you can chin up…look forward…6….5….4…..3…..2…..1…beginners knee up…exhale bring your right foot between the hands…here slowly take your right hand out…hands a bit out fromyourmat…bend your elbows…shoulders parellel to th ground…beginners just look forward…multi raise your right leg…stretch your knee…toes…and look at the toes..if you cannot…dropyourhand for support…6….5….4….3….down..elbows bend….2….1…inhale..now slowly take your right leg back…downward…hold…6….5….4…..3…..2….1…inhale left leg up…knee straight…toes out…head down…exhale right heel up…hip down…fold your left knee…touch on right elbow…left elbow…inhale up…exhale…right…left …inhale up, exhale…right…left …inhale up, exhale…right…left …inhale up, exhale…right…left …inhale up, exhale…right…left …inhale up, one more,…exhale…right…left …inhale up…exhale…right…left …inhale up…last exhale…right…left …inhale up… beginners look forward…multi if you can look forward…6….5..knee straight…..4…..3….2….1…exhale…now bring your left foot between the hands…beginners knee up…keep your toes, knee up…and take your left hand out…slide your hands a bit out….bend your elbows…align your shoulders parellel to the ground…beginners just look forward…multi if you can slowly raise your left foot up…knee straight…toes out…look at the left toes….6…..5….4…..3….2….1…inhale up…exhale drop your leg back…downward…hold…6….5….4…..3….2….1…bend your knees…inhale jump between the hands…exhale..beginners keep your hands under the heels…multi..stretch your hands back…6….5….4….3…..2….1….inhale arch back…exhale namaste…now slowly bring your hands down…keep your hands beside your hip…gently close your eyes…for few seconds become aware of your body…and it’s vibrations…focus your mind on the body…observe the finger tips…feel the vibrations…all around your body…

now slowly open your eyes…shake your legs…plase go center of your mat…and sit in easy posture…sit comfortable…multi take chinmudra…beginners take dhyanmudra…relax your shoulder  and spine….gently close your eyes…for one minute…become aware of the flow of your breath…observe the breath…

yoga means..union…the union of breath and mind firstly

slowly open your eyes…release your mudra…slowly release your legs..stretch your legs forward…shake your legs…feet a bit closer…now place your hands beside your buttocks…slide your hands a bit back…keep your elbows straight…open shoulders…now slowly inhale and slowly push your hip up as much as you can… beginners can bend your knee…reverse plank…exhale dropyourhip…stretch your arms forward…front bend…inhale slide your hands back…hip up…exhale…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale , inhale…exhale , inhale…exhale , two more..inhale…exhale , inhale…exhale , last…inhale….up…push your hip as much as you can…open shoulders…dropur head back…..hold…5…..4…..3…..2….1…..exhale…drop the hip and stretch your arms forward front bend…catch your heels or ankles wherever you can…suck your belly…and touch your forehead on the knee or sim bone…6….5…..4….3…..2…..1…inhale up…exhale slowly bring your arms down…now open your hip…feet apart…stretch as much as you can…beginners can keep closer…inhale now slowly bring your arms up shoulder level…exhale twist your spine…place your right hand on the waist…catch your right heel with your left hand…stretch your spine…drop your elbow…touch your forehead on the knee or sim bone…inhale center…arms shoulder level…palms facing forward…exhale…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, come on fast..inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale,  inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, come on last inhale…exhale catch your heel or ankle…drop your forehead on the knee or out side of your sim bone…6….5….4…..3….2….1…inhale center…exhale opposit….6…..5….4….3….2…..1…inhale center…now palms facing down…now exhale catch your left thigh with your right hand…and bend right…catch your left toe or heel…open shoulders…look up…inhale center…exhale left…, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, fast…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, last inhale…exhale…try as much as you can…catch your toes…multi if you can catch your foot or heel with both hands…try to drop your shoulder…6….5…..4….3…..2….1….inhale center…exhale…6…..5…..4…..3…..2…..1…inhale center…open shoulders….palms facing forward…beginners drop your hands….and slowly slide your hands back…multi…now slowly hold your body…slowly drop your chest and chin on the floor…drop your toes…try to catch your both big toes…multi just stretch your arms forward…6….5…..4…..3…..2…..1…inhale slowly up…drop your hands infront of u…join your both feet…catch your toes underneeth the ankles…take your feet a bit forward…exhale drop your forehead…inside of your both heels…beginners just drop on the heels…6….5…..4……3…..2.. ..1….inhale up…exhale pull your heels closer to the buttocks…tighten your knees…hug your knees…drop your forehead on the knees…relax your hip….counter…

inhale chin up…exhale stretch your legs forward… feet together… nowslowly bring your arms up…interlock your fingers…keep your hands back of your neck…now slowly inhale …go back as much as you can…raise your feet a bit up….exhale fold your left knee…touch your right elbow on the left knee…inhale stretch…exhale…opposit…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, v, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, fast…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, last….inhale…exhale…hold try to touch your elbow on the knee or out side of the knee…5…..4…..3……2…..1….inhale stretch…exhale opposit….5…..4…..3….2…..1…inhale…stretch and drop your legs…drop your head…exhale…keep your hands under your neck…inhale now slowly raise your both legs up….knee straight…toes out…slowly exhale drop your legs right…turn your face left…inhale center…exhale…beginners can fold your knees…inhale…exhale, inhale…exhale, last…inhale…exhale hold…close your eyes…relax your spine…5….4…..3….2…..1….inhale center…exhale opposit….5…..4….3….2….1…inhale center…exhale drop your legs….feet apart…release your hand and bring down your hands…keep beside your hip…palms facing up…close your eyes…relax…for 3 minutes…drop your body and mind…go beyond the body and mind…dead pose…do not open your eyes…do not move your body ….relax……..

slowly move your fingers and toes…slowly bring your arms up…interlock your fingers…keep your feet  together…take a deep inhale….stertch your arms toward your head…palms out toes out…stretch your whole body from fingers to toes…exhale fold ue knees up…place your hands under the neck…beginners just slowly turn your whole body right…multi stretch your legs up…inhale give a stroke and come to sitting posture…beginners slowly come to sitting posture…and take chinmudra…eyes remain closed…now bhastrika pranayam…deep inhale and deep exhale…do as faster as you can…while inhale belly out…while exhale belly in….ready…inhale….exhale…inhale …exhale…….inhale …exhale…….inhale …exhale….******************************************************************************* fast………let the breath be normal…focus your mind on your spine for few seconds…rub your palms…until they get warm…rub fast…rub more…place your palms on your eyes for few seconds…slowly open your eyes infront of your palms…look into your palms…namaste…thank you so much for join my class…have a nice day….enjoy your day…drink more water…eat more fruits and vegetables…do daily yoga and meditation…thank you…thank you…thank you…